Pranams to the lotus feet of the Lord , Bhagwan Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I began listening to these samarpan talks in youtube , given by different alumni's who made great inroads into different fields and are successful in their chosen vocations. It just got me thinking , what was my statusquo with bhagwan during my growing up years and it prompted me to write a poem expressing the same.
Oh Baba, did you hear my baba ,
I was bleating through Life , applying dirt all over me ,
But I was heating up my chant of your name , all around me ,
Was my dirt too bad enough for you to not even come near me and bathe me ,
For I see you have taken others out of their dirt and set them right ,
Was I not in touch with your name ,though not your form , but that off your previous body ?
Were you not happy to see me , walk on your path ,
Why did you let me go astray ,when you were there with me all along ?
I relished the choices I made, however wrong they were ,
But I still remembered your name , wherever I was ,
Was I not good enough for you to be your boy ,
What made you delay to take me out of my dirt and put me up in your hands ,
Or should I ask , was I not done with my Karma to meet you already ,
Here I am , finally in your orbit , only to see you have already built the constellation ,
And assumed your original place , before I got a chance to meet and bask in your glow,